Purifying Peace Lily


Purifying Peace Lily


A long-time favourite among house plant enthusiasts, research conducted by NASA found the Peace Lily, also known as the Cobra Plant, to be one of the top indoor plants for cleaning air. This tropical plant breaks down and neutralises nasty gases like benzene, formaldehyde, and carbon monoxide. The Peace Lily boasts strong dark green leaves and a delightful, white bloom. It is easy to care for and the moisture given off by these striking flowers can boost a room’s humidity by up to 5%.

- When it comes to watering, consistency is key. Keep the soil moist, but do not overwater.

- Peace lilies enjoy high humidity. Misting their leaves or placing their pot atop a moistened tray of gravel can help to increase humidity around the plant.

- Peace lilies are not heavy feeders, so fertilise only occasionally.

- Peace lilies are a tropical plant, so keep them in temperatures above 16°C and away from cold, drafty windows. They do best in temperatures upwards of 21°C.

- Keep these plants out of direct afternoon sunlight, but in a bright, well-lit area.

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